Product Description
The Book, with more than 60 detailed photos, tips and techniques to help you achieve beautiful piecing, it is ideally suited to those beginning and those of you still having difficulties with some areas of your patchwork.
A Little Book of Piecing Secrets
by Leonie West
Full of tips on piecing that will make this creative pastime even more enjoyable. “Whether you are sewing squares, rectangles, triangles or you are using templates; if you follow the techniques in the book and pay attention to the detail your piecing should be beautiful with points that meet without the need to trim to square up your units and blocks.”
I am sure that the information in “Shhhh…… Don’t Tell Anyone” will be helpful and it will make your piecing easier and more enjoyable.
The Book, with more than 60 detailed photos, tips and techniques to help you achieve beautiful piecing, it is ideally suited to those beginning and those of you still having difficulties with some areas of your patchwork.

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